--Introduction in Careers in Chemistry--

“You cannot keep a determined man from success. Place stumbling blocks in his way and takes them from stepping stone.”

An opportunity in Education, Industry, and Government is challenging courses offered by the one and only Chemistry. High School and College courses are very helpful to students for preparing for a career in Chemistry. This includes the Mathematics and Physics as well as a session in Chemistry. There are a lot of chemical instruments like using a Computer Technology, and so the classes in computer science will be easier and useful.

You people are curious on what are we going to be in the future and you are always hoping to become a professional person someday. But how can you do it if you have no idea in able to fulfill these dream from yourselves? Getting a professional career means a lot of knowledge and a lot of hard work in order to become successful person at the end. Building career will help you to determine the career and professions that can be fitted yourselves and eager to enhance your knowledge and skills by means of your fields of professions. So you better see for yourselves.


    --Importance of Careers in Chemistry—
--Cavanas, Mary Joy Angela’s Article--

        “Nothing can stop a determined person with the right attitude from pursuing his goals”

Getting a career especially in Chemistry is Important. Do you know why? Having a career in Chemistry is not easy but it can also enhance your knowledge and skills in the fields of Science and also it can make you enjoy because it is also full of excitement and full of wonder. This type of career also challenges you and yourselves on how to become a successful person because it can help you to get new ideas and information about your profession and especially about chemistry and its functions in your everyday lives and when you succeed in this field of career, by this time you will know that your hard works were paid by means of your success in life.
It is important in getting career especially in chemistry because we can help our country by making it a more productive one (IMAGE) if no one gets his or her profession that is involve in Chemistry such as Doctor, Scientist, and Chemists we can get some information about our health issues and other necessities that we need such as medicines and other inventions that we are using every day? No, because they are responsible for all our needs, they are the one responsible for giving their contribution in the fields of their study and their profession are responsible for making our country productive, abundant, and popular in fields of Science
We must select a better and a right choice of careers for ourselves that will make us to become comfortable especially the career in Chemistry because although they are very hard careers and professions for us, they are the fields of study that has wide links, information, and ideas that are popular and famous inside and outside if the country. You would not expect if one day you will wake up, you will be surprise for the great accomplishment that you have done in your life by means of choosing your career or profession especially in the fields of chemistry

--Way To Success—
--Pabiona, John Christian D. Article-

 “Determined that the thing can and shall be done and then we shall find the way”
We live in a world of matter; look around, anything that you can use with your 5 senses such as sense of sight, sense of touch, sense of smell, sense of taste, and  sense of hearing that is all part of matter. Plants and tables; water and sunlight; air and ourselves all things not only in our world called planet Earth but in the entire universe, are all matter!!! Because human being like you, me, all of us are curious we need to study the things around us to discover the useful and advantages of the things related to matter. But before we invented nor produce things we need a career path of field to enhance our knowledge and skills, so that we have the Career Option or Description to choose from; no.1, Where you really comfortable . . . no.2, What are the advantages to concur . . . no.3, How long you will be a student and to be a professional. . .no.4 And how long can you take the risk, and the advancements.

            According to Mr. Webster . . . Chemistry is the science of matter because anything that you may touch, seems, heard, felt, and smelled are made up of chemicals. Chemist are people responsible to change the everyday material around us and turn that to amazing things. Others, deeds on how to cure the No.1 disease that can killed many innocent human being, that is called CANCER, while other test the Ozone layer that protects us from the dangerous rays of the sun because nowadays our Ozone layer becomes thinner and thinner that causes Global Warming and heated our homes. But still there are persons willing to detect for a new material, new things that can make our homes cooler not only in summer but in the whole year over and over again… The information you gain while you are studying chemistry opens widely the door and welcomes you to a many career path. The alternative careers are practically endless!!! Furthermore, your alternative employment depends how long you have taken your school education. Nowadays, a 2 year degree course in chemistry won’t get you very far; maybe you can work in some laboratory but just washing glassware or in laboratory preparation in school as assistant. And you wouldn’t have much potentially advanced, and could expect to supervise the high level. You can use any equipment and prepare chemicals when you take the Bachelor degree, a Bachelor degree or Education with more in Chemistry is needed to teach in our new curriculum, the K-12 program. A 4 year degree may be use as your entrance to advance the degree program like in the Graduate School, the Medical School, and the Law School. The degree in chemistry like Master’s degree leaves the field open and welcomed you. In United State in America really needed at least 18 graduate credit hours to be a Ph. D. Terminal degree are most of the scientist that design and oversee their own research program.
          Chemistry is a part of Biology and Physics, plus, there are more description related to Chemistry. Here are some categories that you may choose.


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©      Water    Chemistry

-       --The Role of the Pharmacist or Pharmacologists--
--Duron, Pretty Ann Article—

       A pharmacist or a pharmacy attendant is not an easy job

         First they study for four years because if their profession

             A pharmacist analyzes and study the difference of branded and the generic name of drug.

            They differentiate and study every characteristic of a drug and label if the medicine is safety to by without the advice  of a health professional but if it’s a dangerous and not allowed to sell without a health professionals advice they must ask their customers a health professionals description and the following drugs they advice.

A pharmacist job is to secure the safety of their customer in the following drug they buy and take and if it’s the right drug they must take for their diseases .They must guarantee that the following drug must according to the description a doctor give to them brought by them.

They must define weather a medicine is for the infants id or old they must define it so that the following patient will be not overdose and they must tell the customer s the right amount or mg. of the drugs they must  take.

Pharmacist also knew what is the difference between a branded medicine and the generic medicine. They also get high salaries because of their skills and knowledge that they are doing in their job. They sell their branded medicines with the higher prices while the generic medicines are in low price that can be affordable for the people who are lack of money and are weak n their health.

These are the example of the following drugs and that are safety to take drink:

--The Role of University Researchers--
--Domejes, Mary Antoinette Article--

          They are responsible for developing task with matching teaching, and the theoretical and applied research are related to what we called academic activities, as well as the diffusion of result they just like are teacher who teaches us knowledge. They also teach us how to read, to review our lesson and discuss such as journal articles, book and papers. They help also the teachers to get more knowledge like participating in professionals, by giving lectures presentation, chairing sessions, and etc. they provide also consultative services to the external institution or organization government or industry. If you ask them to research they directly research projects of students. They also actively contribute to policy development of the department or research group. I have here famous University researcher in the world (a) Federico Balloni he is Tourism and Hospitality consultant. Professor of tourism marketing and hotel management at the Barcelona University. He is the Founder and CEO of TSM Consulting-trend marketing and strategy Marketing in tourism

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